Saturday, April 27, 2013

Personality Development: What's the Purpose?

Out of all my hobbies and interests, learning about personality theory has been near the top for quite some time. And most of the time, it is centered around those theories, like the MBTI, that are more in the pop-psychology realm. 

So whenever I hear about writers elaborating on an aspect of personality that has to do with, for example, introversion and extroversion, I appreciate that. This particular one was convicting, because while it deals with misconceptions about introverts, the main point of it was how the development of our personality, for the Christian, is about sanctification, about “accepting the realities” of the personality that God gave us and allowing Him to develop that for His glory. It’s not about me and my personality and figuring out who I am, it’s figuring out who I can be for God’s glory. The last paragraph of the article really sums it up well. 

I need to examine my motives for studying this personality theory stuff. Am I simply trying to make myself feel better, or am I using the information I learn to show love to others in a more effective way and to grow as a person and glorify God? Good food for thought. Here's the article: Four Lies About Introverts 


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